Beating 3:30itis at The Office

3:30itis and the accompanying energy slump is a pretty popular complaint of office workers, especially those who are sitting at a desk for several hours on a regular basis. The reason it is so common, is that once we get to a few hours after lunch, our blood glucose level starts to decrease, causing us to feel lethargic and sluggish. But knowing that there is still a handful of working hours left in the day, our body starts to crave an energy hit that will mentally and physically sustain us through to home-time. 

If you have been eating well throughout the day and don’t want to drop the ball before dinner, have a look at some of my favourite snack choices to help beat 3:30itis. 

The Better Snack Choices 

The below snack choices have been picked because they’re high in protein (which has been shown to help keep you fuller for longer) and contain a moderate amount of carbohydrate, which will help to stabilise your blood sugar level until dinner. 

  • Greek Yoghurt & Fruit 

Choose a high-protein yoghurt that is also low in sugar. Brands like YoPro and Chobani are both good choices, the Chobani Fit range would have to be my favourite. Buy the small portion controlled tubs and keep a few in the office fridge, steal some fruit from the fruit jar and hey presto - sugar slump saved. 

  • Roasted Broad-beans or Chickpeas


Skip the potato chips, savoury biscuits and instead, suss out some roasted broadbeans or chickpeas next time you are at the shops. They are high in fibre and protein, and much lower in saturated fat than the fried alternatives. The Happy Snack Company makes a great range of tasty, crunchy snacks that are low in calorie and perfect for your 3PM pick-me-up. My tip? Purchase the portion controlled packs from the health aisle, they are just so easy to grab and go. 

  • High Protein Snack Bars 

Looking for something easy to eat on the run? If that’s the case, I suggest you look for a nut-based snack bar instead of the classic high-sugar muesli bar. Carman’s have an extensive range of snack bars that are suitable. My favourite? Their Salted Caramel Protein bar. Grab a box and keep them in your desk draw.

  • Boiled Eggs & Crackers

If you’re an organised A-type and lover of savoury snacks, pack some boiled eggs for work the night before. Eggs are a nutrition powerhouse, high in protein, healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Enjoy two eggs with a few grainy crackers for a well-balanced snack.

Steer Clear

Try to stay away from;

  • The Biscuit Jar 

The biscuit jar is a bit of a double edged sword; (1) They are free and (2) If your company has a generous budget, they are probably delicious and chocolate-coated or cream-filled. Whatever your vice of the biscuit world is, it is pretty likely you sneak a few cheeky bikkies every now and then. The downfall of biscuits is that they are high in sugar, saturated fat and offer no nutritive benefit. It is time to exercise that will power and start to say no. Save the biscuits for special occasions or days when you’re really craving that Assorted Cream or TimTam.

Sa,Ka,NAH. There’s better things to snack on than these guys. Promise.

Sa,Ka,NAH. There’s better things to snack on than these guys. Promise.

  • Rice Crackers 

Even though most are low in fat, rice crackers bring little to the table. Rice Crackers are high in carbohydrate and have a high GI, meaning they are likely to cause a spike in your blood sugar levels followed by another slump. Plus, being high in salt and low in fibre, you’re likely to end up eating more than you planned. 

Want to know more on balanced nutrition and healthy food choices in the workplace?

I am pleased to offer a range of Corporate Nutrition services for workplaces of any size. Our Nutrition Workshops are a great introduction to general nutrition, portion control and fuelling for performance. All workshops are engaging and interactive.

If you’ve been eyeing them off for a while, consider this a sign and book one in today.